ABA Behavior Therapies & Testing logo Specializing in helping families with Autism | Asperger's | PDD-NOS | ADHD Anxiety | Social Skills | Difficult Behaviors
702-430-7660 Serving most of San Diego County and Clark County NV


Values are chosen qualities of purposive action that can never be obtained as an object but can be instantiated moment by moment. ACT uses a variety of exercises to help a client choose life directions in various domains (e.g. family, career, spirituality) while undermining verbal processes that might lead to choices based on avoidance, social compliance, or fusion (e.g. "I should value X" or "A good person would value Y" or "My mother wants me to value Z"). In ACT, acceptance, defusion, being present, and so on are not ends in themselves; rather they clear the path for a more vital, values consistent life.

Click Below to Read More About Each Component

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Present Moment Values Committed Action Self as Context Defusion Acceptance

Psychological Flexibility Chart