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702-430-7660 Serving most of San Diego County and Clark County NV

Say Yes to No

It can be hard to say "no" to our kids. Most parents want their kids to be happy – generally, when your kids are happy, you're happy. The opposite is also true–it's so difficult to see your child hurting, because it hurts you too. For many parents, it's easier to give in than to deal with their child's negative reaction or their own feelings of guilt, resentment, anger, or general discomfort or because it doesn't feel like a battle worth fighting.

The Say Yes to No Parenting Program helps parents learn the practical strategies of No, from the book by Dr. David Walsh: No, Why Kids – of All Ages – Need to Hear It and Ways Parents Can Say It, to help children gain the character traits they need for success in school and in life. Parents in earlier generations had an easier time saying no because they were supported by a culture that reinforced the messages of No – messages that reinforced the traits of self-discipline including patience, persistence, the ability to delay gratification, respect and others.